Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017

Kashan & Qom

We continued our way with Laura and Benni to Kashan, where we stayed a few days. We visited the underground city, which was used as a shelter during war times. The entrance to this underground city was through the bread oven in some of the houses. It was discovered only 15 years ago and most of the parts are still not accessible for visitors.
The following day, we did a three hour free-walking tour around Kashan with Fatima. We visited ancient public bathes, enormous mansions and beautiful mosques.
Then we moved on to Qom before heading to the capital, Tehran.

Underneath this cupola is an enormous water tank to stock the precious liquid during the hot summer period.

A famous Islamic school/university is located underneath the mosque. It's an 'men only' university to become Mullah.

At the time, the mansions were a little bigger than nowadays.

Three hours of walking, but not one second was boring :)

In Qom, we visited the shrine of Fatima Masumeh, daughter of the seventh and sister of the eighth Imam. Qom is considered by the Shia Muslims as the second most sacred city of Iran (after the shrine of the eight Imam in Mashhad)

The most famous building of this site with its three courtyards and three large prayer halls is the grave chamber with the golden dome. Qom is considered nowadays as the 'birthplace' of the Islamic Revolution initiated by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979.

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