Montag, 30. Mai 2016


Cartagena de Indias (or ‚Heroica‘ because of the brave men and women, who defended the ramparts and their city in 1815 during more than 105 days of siege) offered us a warm welcome after a rather long sailing trip (that fatigued us more than we thought). Settled in a nice hostel in ‘Getsemani’ (the ancient neighbourhood of brothels and nightclubs), we could recuperate and stroll around the Old town with its fortress (one of UNESCOs World Heritages). The only annoying thing about ‘Getsemani’ was the fact that every 2 meters we were asked if we wanted ‘Coca’ or ‘Marijuana’. Nevertheless, we tried different kind of street food and participated in a very interesting free walking tour. The rest of our stay we relaxed, went to a local market and tried to find some shadow. 
You have to take it easy in Cartagena.

A great bar with  live music: Havana Club in Getsemani

Local worker with his carriage, who was really happy to be on a picture.

Traditional balconies of the colonial heritage

Colourful facades decorated with white or rose flowers: A nice balance between Mediterranean brightness and Latin American kitsch.

They love sugar. On every corner you'll find sweets and candies (often with coconut and milk)

Amazing paintings sold on the street.

The Latin American equivalent of the American Academy Award 'Oscar': Since 1959 the Cartagena Film Festival honours Latin American movies, TV shows and actors with a statue called ‘India Catalina’ (inspired by an indigenous historical figure).
There are a lot of inspiring graffiti art works in the alternative 'Getsemani'.

A cocktail or a little snack?

Even for the cats, the temperatures are too high.

Two unique characters of Cartagena.

An alternative food truck in the streets of Getsemani.

Relaxing on the public square during sunset.

The appearance is quite important. Therefore you got at every corner a barber shop (for the gentlemen) and a hairdresser (for the ladies).

What might be behind that mysterious door?
 Our next stop will be at the hometown of 'Pablo Escobar'.

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